
Our Platform

My name is Dr. Noemi Hernandez Alexander, and I am running for Riverside Unified School District as the only candidate that is both a Parent and an Educator with teaching experience.
My husband, a business owner in the city, and I are raising our two children who attend RUSD school alongside your children. 

Support High Quality Education

As a college professor, I am the only candidate qualified to address this. After identifying the learning gaps, there needs to be a concerted effort to fund specialty programs such as STEM and DLI as well as bring our current campuses up-to-date before spending unnecessarily.

Prioritize the Safety of our Students

As the mother of two precious babies, this is a top priority for me as it is for all parents who place so much trust in our schools. With so much uncertainty, it is imperative to invest in our children’s physical, social, and emotional safety.  Schools must be physically secure so our children and teachers can focus on instruction.  Full-time counseling is an expense we can no longer put to the side so our students have an outlet of support and to alleviate teachers from carrying this task.

Prepare Students for Success in College and Career

As a college professor, I have first-hand experience witnessing our pupils enter college unprepared for its rigor and far too many students accruing college debt when there is a different pathway for them such as community college, trades apprenticeships and earn-while-you-learn programs, or entrepreneurship. It is time to collectively shift our focus in identifying the correct pathways and ensuring our students are prepared, trained, and skilled for their next phase in life.

I am proud to serve my community as a teacher, educator, and mother. Because of this, I will do everything in my power to be sure that our students receive the highest quality education, that they are safe, and that they are prepared to enter the workforce.”


In me, you will have true representation.  Through me, you will have a voice.